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A bit about the project

Under One Roof is a community heritage project based in and around St Mark’s Church in Shelton Stoke on Trent. 


Under One Roof is funded by a large grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, with other funds from the National Lottery Community Fund, Staffordshire Historic Churches Trust, National Churches Trust, Whalley;s Quarry and Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust.


This funding is to help us develop the project and plan for repairs to the Church.


People are taking part in learning sessions, creative activities, talks, research and events to share and understand local heritage.


We are exploring the history of migration into the area, those who came to work in the potteries, pits and steel works and more recent arrivals. 


Under One Roof activities are helping us find out people want from St Mark’s Church and for the area in the future.

There are lots of ways you can take part, so click this link to find out.


We have begun essential conservation work to the building which is on the heritage at risk register and is in urgent need of repair inside and out. Our Main Contractors are Heritage Conservation Restoration LTD are they work on Britain's historic and listed buildings and monuments across the UK. 

Along with the repairs, there will be lots of community heritage activities for all ages inside the 188-year-old church building and out in local communities.


We will help people to share their stories and support people to research the rich and culturally diverse history of the area. The activities will include

  • hard-hat tours of the site and a virtual online tour

  • nature and growing projects and a Friendly Space in the Churchyard with planters and places to sit

  • creative activities including pottery, textiles, photography, music and dance

  • community heritage talks

  • community storytelling, family history, and other training for volunteers

  • volunteering opportunities and learning experiences for students

  • community research to find out people’s ideas on the Church’s future and to evaluate the project

  • Community Organising to help people to listen and connect with each other and take action on things that matter to them to make people’s lives better

  • photography walks and community night walks

  • displays, exhibitions and website

  • events including food and music festivals and a final celebration.


The Bishop of Stafford, the Rt Revd Geoff Annas, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have received this support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. This is really significant – not just in ensuring St Mark’s survives and thrives but in making sure the heritage of the church and local area is not lost for good.” Hanley Team Rector the Revd Phillip Jones, who is overseeing the project, added: “Our project will ensure that St Mark’s is able to reflect and celebrate the richness and variety of its diverse community. It will provide training and volunteering opportunities for people who are living in poverty and hardship."

We are about to launch a year long calendar of exciting, creative activities that bring people together to explore their identity, heritage and culture. They will also be able to share their gifts and talents through volunteering and develop skills and confidence through this. We hope it will provide new and continuing opportunities for the church and for this part of the city.”


If you would like to know more about the community heritage programme please email

Diocese of Lichfield:


Using money raised by the National Lottery, the National Lottery Heritage Fund Inspire, lead and resource the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future.

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